


The Quarantines of Leo

Leonardo Ramírez was the only videographer in the world who filmed the beginning of the quarantine in Wuhan. This is a portrait of the first confinement of the covid-19 pandemic.

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Susana Raffalli’s emergencies

She was one of the 100 most inspiring and influential women of 2020, according to the BBC. The first that measured child malnutrition in Venezuela during the humanitarian emergency.

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The power behind chloroquine

Kings, armies, and governments have fought over the control of chloroquine to cure malaria. It has been tested against the coronavirus, but scientific studies indicate that it does not benefit patients.

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aitäna nkotopak

A doctor fights to save an indigenous girl who was complicated by malaria in the Venezuelan Amazon.

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“It’s like going through hell twice”

Cornered by the economic and political crisis, Chagid Bacha emigrated from Caracas to Beirut in 2015. Five years later, an explosion in the Lebanese capital revealed a collapse similar to that of Venezuela.

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100 Hours of darkness

At five in the afternoon the power went out in the office. And in the building, on the block, in Caracas. In 22 of 23 states of Venezuela. It did not return the next day or the day after. Nobody knew why.

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Valentina Oropeza

Valentina Oropeza

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